Currently, the whole district has more than 600 hectares of round mango, with an average output of nearly 4,000 tonnes per year.
Yen Chau is a large-scale mango growing area in the province with over 3,280 hectares, with an estimated output of 15,000 tonnes per year. As a locality with a hot, dry climate along with steep terrain and red soil, Yen Chau is suitable for growing mangoes. Therefore, the round mango here has a delicious, sweet taste and a characteristic aroma, favoured by consumers.
Since 2012, the round mango has been certified for geographical indication and brand recognition system. Yen Chau district has selected and zoned off round mango growing areas in Chieng Pan, Vieng Lan and Sap Vat communes. These are communes with special geographical conditions, suitable for the growth and development of this mango variety.

To improve productivity and product quality, as well as expand round mango growing area, in recent years, Yen Chau district has directed specialised agencies to organise voluntary training classes for farmers on techniques for growing and taking care of round mango trees.
It has coordinated with the Hanoi-based Fruit and Vegetable Research Institute to build a model of grafting and improving local mangoes.
The district has also propagated and developed round mango trees from the first-line varieties; organised training on growing and caring techniques according to VietGAP and organic standards, and post-harvest fruit preservation for farmers in the communes.

In addition, the district has encouraged households and cooperatives to form production linkages and proactively seek wholesales and businesses to sign product consumption contracts. At the same time, it has supported cooperatives in term of packaging, traceability stamps and setting up purchasing points, contributing to promoting the product and improving its economic value.

After being granted a geographical indication certificate by the Intellectual Property Office of Vietnam under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Yen Chau round mango continued to be included in the list of rare and precious plant genetic resources in need of conservation by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. It has been also recognised as the only indigenous mango variety of northern Vietnam in the list of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) that needs to be preserved and developed.

Along with preserving the native round mango variety, currently, Yen Chau district develops many new, high-yield mango varieties, such as Taiwanese, Thai and Australian green-skinned mangoes. On average each year, the district sells over 13,000 tonnes of mangoes in the domestic market and exports 3,200 tonnes to China, Japan and the Republic of Kore.

Promoting the mango brand, this year, Yen Chau district continued to organise the Mango Festival, attracting thousands of people and tourists inside and outside the province. A series of activities and events with more attractive content took place during the festival.

The 5th Yen Chau Mango Festival 2024 was an opportunity to promote the mango brand to a large number of domestic and foreign tourists, creating opportunities for mango growers to improve their growing and caring knowledge and experience. It also created interaction between agricultural development and tourism, helped develop new attractive tourism products, and attracted a large number of tourists to destinations in Yen Chau district.
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