Mai Son developing typical agricultural products

Promoting its potential and advantages, Mai Son district is mobilising the engagement of the entire political system, business community, cooperatives and production and business establishments to develop agricultural products and typical products to create its own brand.

Mai Son district’s Ngoc Linh ginseng wine - a 4-star OCOP product is on display.

Mai Son currently has three high-tech agricultural areas, including two high-tech coffee areas covering 1,039.5 hectares, with 1,560 participating households; and one high-tech custard apple area of 334.2 hectares with 166 ones. Meanwhile, 1,143.7 hectares are certified as meeting VietGAP standards; 1,217.2 hectares of fruit trees granted with 46 growing area codes, five packaging facilities were given codes to serve exports to the US, Australia, New Zealand and China. These are advantages for the district to develop various OCOP (one commune one product) products.

The Ara-Tay Coffee Cooperative, established at the end of 2019 with 14 members, has made significant strides in its operations, as it has to date partnered with 300 coffee-growing households to transition 70 hectares to organic production. Recognising the quality of its products, including natural roasted coffee and honey roasted coffee, the cooperative has received guidance from district and provincial specialized agencies to perfect its business model and develop product identification.

As of 2023, two of the cooperative’s products had been rated as 4-star OCOP items. Each year, the cooperative supplies 8-10 tonnes of coffee beans and roasted coffee to the market, and distributes distinctive products to coffee shops in Hanoi and other localities nationwide, gaining consumer acceptance. The cooperative’s annual revenue is approximately 1.6 billion VND (65,180 USD).

To date, Mai Son has 20 products recognised as OCOP, of which 10 are rated as 3-star, and 10 4-star. Local OCOP products have been sold on e- commerce platforms and introduced on the portal managed by the Department of Industry and Trade, the websites of the province's OCOP programme, on the social networks of enterprises and units. They have also been promoted at fairs and exhibitions. As a result, the district’s OCOP products are increasingly appreciated by consumers, affirming their position in the market.

In 2024, the district continues to evaluate eight OCOP products, including Tan Nhe Muong Chanh sticky rice; macadamia wine; coffee beans, ground coffee, coffee bags; soy sauce; frozen vegetable soybeans; Ichi Farm strawberries; Delica macadamia; and Khanh Thanh ‘gai’ cake. Those participating in the OCOP programme have had their qualifications and capacity improved, and the quality of OCOP products ensures food safety and environmental protection.

In the coming time, along with encouraging individuals and organisations to actively participate in the OCOP programme, Mai Son will promote the application of information technology and digital transformation in communication, building profiles and managing OCOP product data. It will also boost the development of new products under a chain from production to processing and trading; and consolidating and improving the quality of certified OCOP products, thus contributing to the successful implementation of the district's socio-economic development goals.


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