Typical cooperativeson Moc Chau plateau

With innovations in production and business activities, the Quyet Thanh Agricultural Cooperative is a model in fruit cultivation and processing, enhancing agricultural product value and contributing to the diversification of OCOP (One Commune One Product) products on the plateau.

The dried fruit products of the Quyet Thanh Agricultural Cooperative are chosen by consumers.

Established in 2018 with seven members and 8 hectares of land, primarily for growing crispy persimmons and plums, the cooperative has expanded to 26 members with 28 hectares of plums and 6 hectares of crispy persimmons, all produced under VietGAP standards.  Annually, the cooperative supplies the market over 300 tonnes of fruit, generating over 4 billion VND (157,730 USD) in revenue.

In the production process, the cooperative strictly adheres to the "four rights" principle in using fertilizers and pesticides, ensuring sustainable development.  The cooperative also raises black soldier flies to process agricultural byproducts, providing animal feed and organic fertilizer for crops.  Agricultural byproducts are collected into tanks and composted with probiotics to fertilize plants and improve soil.

The dried fruit processing line of the Quyet Thanh Agricultural Cooperative in Moc Chau district.

Talking about the idea of forming the dried fruit processing facility, Director of the cooperative Pham Van Quyet shared: "During a trip to Da Lat in the Central Highlands province of Lam Dong, I saw many eye-catching packaged dried fruit products in stores. I bought a little of each to try and found them delicious.  Recognising that Moc Chau has many delicious and quality fruits, in 2020, I invested in a system for processing, packaging, and drying fruits.  I hired food processing engineers to provide guidance and technology transfer, resulting in high-quality, visually appealing dried products that are well received by the market."

The investment in dried fruit processing by the Quyet Thanh Agricultural Cooperative has contributed to creating stable sale and increasing the value of local agricultural products. The cooperative does not use sugar or preservatives during the drying process, ensuring natural sweetness and prioritizing consumer health.  Currently, it maintains six fruit processing and drying lines with a combined capacity of 1.2 tonnes of fresh fruit per day.  Since the beginning of the year, the cooperative has processed 130 tonnes of plums, 30 tonnes of strawberries, 10 tonnes of bananas, and 8 tonnes of mangoes into dried products.

In addition, the cooperative focuses on building labels, logos, and barcodes to position its brand in the market. Implementing the OCOP programme, the cooperative now has six OCOP products, including four 4-star products (dried plum, dried banana, dried persimmon and dried mango) and two 3-star products (dried papaya and passion fruit juice). Fresh fruit and dried fruit products of the cooperative are currently sold at large supermarkets in Hanoi and some provinces and cities.

Processing dried fruits at the Quyet Thanh Agricultural Cooperative in Moc Chau district.

With the production mindset changing in a positive and proactive direction from production to sale, the Quyet Thanh Agricultural Cooperative has contributed to improving the value and economic efficiency of agricultural products, increasingly affirming the brand and reputation of its products to consumers.



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