Incense-offering festival held at Trung Sisters Temple

An incense-offering festival was held at the temple dedicated to Hai Ba Trung ( Trung Sisters: Trung Trac and Trung Nhi) in Thong Nhat hamlet, Chieng Khuong commune, Song Ma district, on February 21.

 A view of the water procession ceremony.

In 1975, implementing the Party’s and the State's policy of sending people to build new economic areas in the northwestern region, residents in Nai Tu village, Hong Ha commune, Dan Phuong district, Ha Tay province (now Hanoi), moved to Chieng Khuong commune.

To serve their spiritual and belief life, then Ha Tay province and Son La province supported the movement of worship objects from the Trung Sisters Temple in Tan Tien village, Hong Ha commune to Thong Nhat hamlet for a new temple, which was recognised as a provincial historical relic site by the People’s Committee of Son La province in November 2011.

Delegates attend the water procession ceremony near the Ma River.

The festival featured rituals and festive activities. The rituals included water procession and incense-offering ceremonies. The water procession saw the participation of different teams, including those carrying offerings, drums, flags and water, while the incense offering took place with the activities of beating drums and offering incense and flowers to the Trung Sisters who repelled the enemy and liberate Dai Viet (an old name for Vietnan), and reporting the district’s outstanding achievements to them, along with art and martial art performances, and lion and dragon dances.  

There were such folk games as wrestling, tug of war, Chinese chess, rice cooking competition, and nem con (throwing a ball through a ring for good luck) during the festive part, attracting crowds of locals and visitors.

Drum beating at the festival.


The festival aims to carry forward the tradition of patriotism and "when drinking water, remember its source”, while promoting the value of the relic site and create a tourism highlight, turning the temple into an attractive spiritual and cultural destination for both domestic and foreign tourists./.




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