"Quynh Nhai shines bright in 2025" race held

The People's Committee of Quynh Nhai district on January 14 organised a race named "Quynh Nhai shines bright in 2025", in celebration of the ceremonies announcing Muong Giang commune as an advanced new-style rural area, and the establishment of Muong Giang town.


Athletes start the race.

It attracted the participation of over 300 athletes who are officers, soldiers, and people of all ethnic groups in the district, running a total distance of over 6 km.

Runner No. 305 finishes first at the men's event.

The race aimed to encourage participants to improve their sports training spirit and actively respond to the "All people exercise following the example of great Uncle Ho" campaign, and the "All people unite to build a cultural life" movement, and promote tourism development.

The organising board awards prizes to female athletes.
The organising board awards prizes to male athletes.

The organising board awarded two first, two second, two third, and two consolation prizes to the winning runners in the men’s and women’s events.


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