Son La Taekwondo team wins 12 medals at National Taekwondo Club Championships

Son La province’s athletes won three gold, one silver and eight bronze medals at the National Taekwondo Club Championships – the Republic of Korea (RoK) Ambassador Cup 2024, which took place at the Lao Cai provincial Sports Gymnasium on September 11-19.

A Son La athlete grab the gold medal in individual kyorugi (combat) event.

The tournament gathered 1,000 coaches and athletes from 56 clubs nationwide, competing in more than 100 events of poomsae (performance) and kyorugi (combat) in four different age groups ranging from under 12 years old to over 17.

The Son La team included 28 artists competing in four age groups, with three events: individual kyorugi, team kyorugi and standard poomsae.

Son La athletes win the gold in team kyorugi.

This is one of the official tournaments in the annual national competition system, offering an opportunity to select potential athletes for national teams.



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