Provincial leader inspects preparations for high school graduation exam in Quynh Nhai district

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lo Minh Hung on June 17 led a working delegation to inspect the preparations for the 2024 high school graduation exam in Quynh Nhai district.

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lo Minh Hung inspects preparations for the 2024 high school graduation exam in Quynh Nhai district.

As many as 639 candidates in Quynh Nhai will sit for the exam, with 35 rooms at Quynh Nhai and Muong Gion High Schools. Over the past time, the schools have stepped up teaching and learning, organised four trial exams, and prepared boarding rooms for students during the preparation period. They have also coordinated with relevant agencies, organisations and parents in the preparation work.

The working group inspects a room at Quynh Nhai High School. 

The district has assigned specific tasks to each agency, unit and organisation, prepared facilities, and set forth plans to ensure tests and results in secrecy, as well as security and order, food hygiene and safety, health care, electricity and water, along with epidemic prevention and control plans, and others in response to different weather conditions.

Young volunteer teams have been set up to support candidates during the exam. As many as 130 candidates living far from exam sites will receive accommodation support, while 200 others in difficult circumstances will get meal support.

 The working delegation at Quynh Nhai High School.

Hung lauded preparations for the exam in Quynh Nhai, as well as coordination between schools and relevant units in this regard. He asked the locality to work out specific plans to respond to flooding, and ensure security and order, and food and traffic safety, saying health workers should stay ready during the exam.

The official also suggested the district assist disadvantaged students, and stressed the need to intensify inspections to handle emerging issues, and make thorough preparations for the exam, ensuring that it will take place safely and in line with regulations./.


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