Cay Me historical relic site preserved

The People’s Committee of Mai Son district organised a ceremony in Sub-area No. 6, Hat Lot town, on May 17 to kick-start a project on preserving and embellishing the Cay Me (tamarind tree) historical relic site where the first cell of the provincial Party organisation was established.

At the ground-breaking ceremony for the project on preserving and embellishing the Cay Me historical relic site.

The project was approved by the provincial People’s Committee with a total investment capital of 14.3 billion VND (561,907 USD) sourced from the provincial coffer, covering a total area of about 21,358sq.m. It is comprised of a memorial house, one dedicated to President Ho Chi Minh, an exhibition house, and other auxiliary items.  

Once completed and put into use, it will play a role in preserving, embellishing and restoring the original elements of the site. The site will be a place for educating traditions and a tourist destination, contributing to local socio-economic development./.


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