Over 4.36 million USD mobilised to build rural roads in Moc Chau

Implementing the new-style rural area building programme, Moc Chau district has stepped up mobilisation of public resources to invest in the construction of rural roads, along with assistance from the state budget. In the 2019- 2024 period, the district has upgraded and concreted roads with a total length of nearly 128km, and a total investment of over 199 billion VND (7.8 million USD), of which nearly 88 billion VND came from the state budget, and more than 111 billion VND (4.36 million USD) from businesses and local people.

To date, Moc Chau has eight communes meeting new-style rural standards, and two meeting advanced new-style rural standards, and 10 hamlets recognised as new-style rural areas, and two as model ones.

A road in Tam Phe hamlet, Tan Hop commune, Moc Chau district is concreted.




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