Son La delegation shines at mass art festival

The 10th Mass Art Festival for the Armed Forces, Youths, and Students (Region 3) wrapped up with a ceremony held by the General Department of Politics under the Vietnam People's Army at the Hanoi-based Military Theatre on July 19.

 A singing and dancing performance named “Khuc quan ca Tay Bac” (Northwestern military song)

The festival brought together 34 mass art troupes with nearly 1,400 actors and actresses who are amateur art nuclei from armed forces, and youths and students in the north. The troupe of army forces, youths and students of Son La province represented local soldiers, militia and self-defence forces of Military Region 2 at the festival.

With the theme “Khuc quan ca Tay Bac” (Northwestern military song), the Son La programme featured seven performances of four genres - song, dance, music, and theatre. Among them, three were self-composed, spotlighting the cultural traits of ethnic groups in the locality, military traditions, and the tasks of the provincial armed forces. The troupe was awarded the "excellent programme" flag by the organisers, with five performances winning Prize A, two earning Prize B (ranked 8th out of the 34 participating mass art troupes), one excellent actor and another individual receiving the certificate of merit from the Military University of Culture and Arts.

 A singing and dancing performance named “Suc song Son La” (The vitality of Son La)

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