Military medicine, technical training provided for Military Commands of 9 Lao provinces

Son La province is offering military medicine and technical training for officers and soldiers from the Military Commands of nine Lao provinces from September 23-28.

Sharing experience in military medicine and technical work for the Military Commands of nine Lao provinces.

During this training course, there are three classes, focusing on military medicine, military weapons, and vehicle and machine work. They are held at Military Hospital 6 of Regiment 754 and Son La College of Technology.

Participants were trained and exchanged experience on techniques for recording and reading regular electrocardiograms; instructions on using machines in traditional medicine and rehabilitation; first aid and anaphylaxis treatment; exploitation and maintenance of new-generation and existing vehicles at the units; examination and fixing of minor damage of military vehicles; management and arrangement of weapons, equipment, and ammunition.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Permanent  Vice Chairwoman of the provincial People’s Committee Trang Thi Xuan requested the provincial Military Command to coordinate with departments and sectors to ensure conditions for the trainees to gain practical experience; select and assign lecturers with capacity, qualifications, and experience; and develop practical and realistic training programmes that are suitable for the conditions of the neighbouring country.

Officers and soldiers of Military Commands of nine Lao provinces participating in training.


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