Theater fosters friendship between Son La, neighbouring Lao provinces

The Son La Music, Song and Dance Theater is a professional art unit in the province. Besides performing at local political events, it also engages in diplomatic and cultural exchanges through various programmes and events, enhancing the special and enduring friendship between Vietnam and Laos.

The art programme "Son La - Houaphanh Love Song" performed by the Son La Music, Song and Dance Theater.

One of the prominent diplomatic events organised by Son La in 2024 was the "Son La - Houaphanh Culture and Tourism Festival," held in March. In addition to promoting tourism, Son La left a deep impression on Lao delegates and citizens through the art programme "Son La - Houaphanh Love Song," performed by artists from the Son La Music, Song and Dance Theater in collaboration with Houaphanh province. The performances, imbued with the Vietnamese and Lao cultures, created a unique artistic space celebrating the close relationship between the two provinces over the past years.

Meritorious artist Doan The Hung, Director of the theater, noted that in recent years, the theater has been assigned to perform at many major diplomatic events of the province, especially in Laos. “Before each programme, we thoroughly researched the culture and customs of the host province, thus developing scripts, selecting performances, designing stages and costumes, and organising meticulous rehearsals. The goal was to promote the most beautiful and representative images of Son La’s land, culture, and people, while celebrating the solidarity and friendship between the two countries and peoples,” he said.

In 2022, the art programmes "Son La - Luang Prabang Epic" and "The Beauties of Son La - Luang Prabang" were organised to mark the 60th anniversary of Vietnam-Laos diplomatic relations (September 5, 1962 - 2022). These events were significant highlights in the province’s diplomatic activities. Over two nights, the Son La Music, Song and Dance Theater brought many remarkable and meaningful performances to Laos’ ancient capital of Luang Prabang. The most impressive was a dance performance combining Lam Vong and Thai Xoe dances, creating a cultural tapestry full of friendship.

Artist Khanh Hoa from the theater shared that each performance in Laos has been meticulously prepared, helping Lao audiences feel the cultural similarities between the two countries. Additionally, each artist and performer acts as a "cultural and tourism ambassador," spreading the beautiful image of Son La’s land and people to the public.

Son La’s art programmes have left good impressions and won the hearts of the Lao people. The cooperation and cultural exchanges between Son La and the northern provinces of Laos are of great significant and a continuation of the rich legacies, both material and spiritual, between the two nations throughout history. Furthermore, participating in diplomatic events in Laos has provided the theater with new artistic materials from the Lao culture, inspiring the creation of new high-quality works.


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