885 agricultural cooperatives operating in Son La

Son La province boasts 885 agricultural cooperatives, alongside six agricultural cooperative alliances comprising 30 member cooperatives and over 600 labourers.

Many of their products have been recognised as standout items of Son La. They include Trong Nguyen tea by Binh Thuan Production, Business, and General Services Cooperative, green tea by Tay Bac (Northwest) Tea and Specialty Company Limited, Natural and Honey coffee by ARA-TAY Coffee Cooperative, Phong Lai honey by Phong Lai Bee Cooperative; Chieng Khoang sticky rice by Tu Chau Cooperative, Hang Dong pickled bamboo shoots with chili by Hang Dong Agricultural and Medicinal Cooperative; and dried bamboo shoots by Tan Xuan 269 Agricultural Cooperative.

A member of Phong Lai Bee Cooperative in Thuan Chau district is caring for bee colonies.



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