Son La ensures capital for production, business activities

In 2024, the financial market in Son La province has remained stable, with credit institutions strictly adhering to regulations and directions from the State Bank of Vietnam on interest rates. These institutions have been committed to maintaining safe and effective credit growth, applying reasonable lending rates, and minimising non-performing loans.

Efforts have been concentrated on addressing challenges, supporting production and business development, and boosting credit growth. The network of credit institutions across the province has facilitated access to funding for businesses and residents. Banking products and services have also been expanded to rural, mountainous, remote, and disadvantaged areas.

As of December 31, 2024, the total capital mobilised by credit institutions is estimated to hit 37 trillion VND (1.45 billion USD), marking an 8.46% increase year-on-year. Total outstanding loans are projected at 46.5 trillion VND, a 2.12% rise compared to the same period last year.

Quyet Thanh Cooperative in Moc Chau Farm town has secured loans from Agribank to invest in high-quality fruit cultivation.



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