Son La sees increased aquaculture and fishing outputs

In 2024, the total area for aquaculture is estimated at 3,011 hectares, a rise of 0.4% against last year, with total production from aquaculture and fishing expected to reach 9,678 tonnes, up 3.5% year-on-year.

Enterprises, cooperatives, and local people have adopted advanced scientific and technical methods in breeding, care, and disease prevention.

Notably, many high-efficiency aquaculture models for specialty fishes have been expanded, including the breeding of "bong" (Goby), "chien", "lang" (Bagridae), black carp, turtles, as well as the development of cold-water fish species like sturgeon and salmon. 

Local people in Chieng Bang commune, Quynh Nhai district, raise fish in floating cages on the Son La hydropower reservoir.



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