Construction of Na San irrigation canal system sped up

Nguyen Thanh Cong, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, on May 14 had a working session with Mai Son district on compensation and site clearance for the Na San irrigation canal system project.

 Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Cong inspects the site clearance work in service of the Na San irrigation cannel system project.

The 44.5km cannel system covers about 10 hectares of land in 19 hamlets in Chieng Mung and Hat Lot communes, with 758 households affected.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Cong inspects the site clearance work for the Na San irrigation cannel system project.

The cadastral measurement and the approval of a relevant map have been completed so far. As many as 1,647 piles have been designed and positioned, and 1,532 out of the 1,647 markers have been planted, reaching 93% of the workload. The work on the remainder has been hampered by some households who do not allow markers to be placed on their family land due to the adjustment of the area for site clearance. The statistics work regarding assets, trees, and crops in the project area has also been done.

However, the project progress has fallen behind schedule due to obstacles to land origin verification, and the building, appraisal and approval of compensation and site clearance plans. To date, the compensation plans for only 143 out of the 758 households in the project area have been approved, and about 4.3 out of the 44.5km reclaimed.

 Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Cong speaks at the working session with representatives of Mai Son district.

Speaking at the meeting, Cong asked relevant departments, agencies and Mai Son district to take drastic actions in site clearance, and ensure the construction schedule, set before June 30.

Mai Son needs to focus on verifying the origin and type of land, its users and land loss rate, transferring dossiers of the households that have completed site clearance procedures to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for appraisal and compensation, he said, urging a review of the entire system to ensure that no lawsuits or complaints occur.


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