Implementation of resolutions on women reviewed

The Women’s Union of Son La province on July 10 held a conference to review the implementation of resolutions adopted at all-level women’s union congresses for 2021-2026.

 Representatives from the provincial Women’s Union present certificates of merit to collectives.

Since the beginning of the tenure, all-level women’s unions in the province have effectively implemented resolutions adopted at their congresses, and fulfilled 10 out of the 11 targets set under the resolution of the 13th congress of the provincial Women’s Union. The unions’ chapters have responded to emulation movements in localities. As many as 2,641 women have won the title of “outstanding woman” during the implementation of the campaign on studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and lifestyle.

The women’s unions have also joined efforts in supporting 3,330 members whose households are poor or near poor, with 870 households escaping from poverty. They have helped improve capacity for 785 women who are running businesses or cooperatives, and establish 23 cooperatives where women join the management work. With the support of the unions, more than 42,200 households have satisfied requirements set for a family with “five Nos and three Cleans”. As many 204 chapters of the women’s unions have carried out 580 works, contributing to building new-style rural areas, as well as advanced and model new-style rural areas and civilised urban areas.

At the same time, the unions have effectively carried out social welfare activities with total funding of over 1.1 billion VND (43,277 USD), and supported 22 orphans under the “godmother programme” with nearly 2.6 billion VND. They have mobilised up to 2.15 billion VND to build 71 houses, and raised funds of more than 1.3 billion VND in support of the poor, along with over 1.6 billion VND for disadvantaged students.

The women’s unions at all levels will continue encouraging their members to play a more active role in patriotic emulation movements, roll out on a larger scale good models, optimise information-technology and digital transformation in operation and management, and effectively coordinate with authorities and organisations in the work. They will also maintain and enhance coordination in the implementation of projects and national target programmes, as well as local socio-economic development programmes.

Individuals receive certificates of merit from the provincial Women’s Union.
Representatives from the provincial Women’s Union present certificates of merit to individuals winning the title of “outstanding woman” in the 2021-2024 period.

On this occasion, the provincial Women’s Union presented the certificates of merit to 20 collectives and 19 individuals that have made outstanding performance over the past time, and 20 others winning the title of “outstanding woman” in the 2021-2024 period./.



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