At the ceremony, Hung presented the 65-year badge to Party member Ca Van On from Chieng Bang commune, and the 60-year badge to Party member Hoang Van Khum from Pa Ma Pha Khinh commune.
Speaking at the ceremony, the official acknowledged the contributions of the Party members to the cause of building, protecting, and developing the country in general, as well as the Son La province and Quynh Nhai district in particular. He expressed his hope that the Party members would continue to set an example, preserve and promote the revolutionary qualities of a Party member, and encourage their families and communities to abide by the Party's guidelines, the State's policies and laws, and local regulations. At the same time, they should contribute to building the Party and administration, and always serve as bright examples for younger generations to follow.
This time, the Quynh Nhai district Party Organisation had 37 Party members awarded badges for their Party membership spanning from 30 to 65 years.
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