Role models in “All People Safeguarding National Security” movement honoured

The provincial Department of Public Security on July 18 coordinated with the provincial Farmers' Union, the provincial Women's Union, and the provincial Veterans’ Association in organising a conference to praise these organisations’ members who have made outstanding contributions to the  “All People Safeguarding National Security” movement in the 2019-2024 period.

The conference to honour  role models in the “All People Safeguarding National Security” movement.

Attending the event were representatives from the provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; departments, agencies and sectors in the province.

Over the past five years, the farmers’ unions, the women’s unions and the veterans’ associations and the police forces from the provincial to grassroots level have coordinated, and thoroughly grasped and seriously implemented directives and resolutions of the Party, the Government and the Vietnam Fatherland Front on the work of ensuring security and order and carrying out the movement.

The police forces and the women's unions at all levels have organised 331 training and communication classes on preventing drug crimes, human trafficking, prostitution, AIDS, and violence against children for over 42,600 people, along with 48 law dissemination events for 3,760 women members.

The farmers' unions at all levels have coordinated with the police forces to hold 1,305 dissemination sessions on crime prevention and control, drawing the participation of 38,600 members. Meanwhile, the veterans’ associations at all levels have worked with the police forces to convene five dissemination conferences on crime prevention, drugs, prostitution, HIV/AIDS, and human trafficking with more than 700 attendees, together with 15 training and law dissemination classes which have seen the presence of 1,050 officials and members.

Coordination in detecting and handling crime cases and social evils has been implemented effectively. Over the past five years, officials and members of associations have provided the police with 3,313 sources of information, thus helping uncover 1,418 cases with 1,256 individuals involved. Every year, the police, the women's unions, the veterans’ associations, and the farmers' unions at all levels encourage their members to actively participate in building, maintaining and effectively implementing 90 models related to the movement.

Collectives and individuals receive certificates of merit from the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee for outstanding achievements in implementing the movement in the 2019-2024 period.
Collectives and individuals receive certificates of merit from the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee for excellent achievements in implementing Decree No. 06 of the Government.
The President of the provincial Women's Union awards certificates of merit to collectives and individuals.
The President of the provincial Veterans’ Association grants certificates of merit to collectives and individuals.
Collectives and individuals receive certificates of merit from the Executive Board of the provincial Farmers' Union.
Collectives and individuals receive certificates of merit from the Director of provincial Department of Public Security.

On this occasion, the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee awarded the certificates of merit to six collectives and 14 individuals; while the provincial Farmers' Union, the provincial Women's Union, and the provincial Veterans’ Association and the provincial Department of Public Security awarded the certificates of merit to 55 collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in implementing the movement.




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