Son La forest rangers celebrate 50th founding anniversary

The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Son La province held a ceremony on May 20 to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the province’s forest ranger force (May 21, 1974 - 2024).

After 50 years of construction and development, the force includes five divisions, two mobile ranger teams for fire prevention and fighting, 12 district and city ranger offices; five special-use forest ranger offices, and five management boards of special-use forests, protection forests, and nature reserves, with a total of 366 officers, civil servants and public employees, thus meeting the requirements of forest management, protection, and sustainable development in the new situation.

At the celebration of the 50th founding anniversary of the Son La ranger force.

As of late 2023, Son La had 669,797 hectares of forests, with the coverage rate of 47.5%. Currently, it has completed land and forest allocation to economic sectors to manage and use for long-term and stable forestry purposes, with a total area of 917,772 hectares. As many as 94,345 forest owners have been granted certificates of forestry land use rights.

Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Cong emphasised that Son La holds a very important riverhead protection position for national hydroelectric projects on the Da River and in the Northern Delta. Therefore, managing and protecting natural forests, developing forest capital, and maintaining coverage are important tasks in the province's socio-economic development.

He requested the force to continue to proactively advise the provincial Party Committee and People's Committee to effectively lead and direct the management, protection and development of forests; step up dissemination to raise public awareness of the work; well abidy by legal regulations on forestry; and strengthen inspection and handling of any violations.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Cong presents a congratulation scroll to the Forest Ranger Sub-department.
Individuals receive certificates of merit from the provincial People's Committee.
Collectives receive certificates of merit from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
 Individuals receive certificates of merit from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

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