National intangible cultural heritages showcased

As part of the 2024 Culture and Tourism Week, Moc Chau district held a display of intangible cultural heritages on August 31, with the theme “Preserving Heritage - Essence of Identity.”

The “Het Cha” Festival of the White Thai ethnic group in Dong Sang commune is re-enacted.

Moc Chau is home to 12 ethnic groups with distinct cultural features, festivals, and customs. These elements join together to create a unique tourism product bearing the Moc Chau brand. Leveraging these advantages, the district has implemented various measures to preserve and promote cultural values associated with tourism, meeting the demands of visitors while improving the lives and incomes of local ethnic communities.

A Mong ‘khen’ (panpipe) dance performance of the team from Moc Chau Farm town.

The competition featured 14 teams from various communes and towns in Moc Chau district. With thorough preparation, artistic creativity, and a passion for preserving ethnic cultural heritage, artisans, artists, performers, and musicians presented many impressive and captivating performances. They re-enacted traditional ceremonies such as the “Het Cha” Festival of the White Thai ethnic group in Ang hamlet, Dong Sang commune; the art of the Mong ethic group’s ‘khen’ (panpipe) dance; the rain-praying festival in Muong Sang commune; a ritual to pray for bumper harvests of the Dao ethnic group; and the Pang A ritual of the La Ha ethnic group.

The Phieng Luong commune team performs the Dao ethnic people’s ritual to pray for bumper harvests.

The competition aimed to ignite pride in the unique traditional cultural values of the ethnic groups, honour individuals and organisations dedicated to preserving and promoting cultural heritage, and enhance cultural exchange. It was also to promote and spread the values of the national intangible cultural heritages of Moc Chau district to a broader audience and tourists.


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