During the 2020-2022 period, the museum has documented and digitalised 2,079 archaeological artifacts, 1,840 documentaries, 642 books in ancient Thai scripts, and 108 ancient Dao books; scanned and digitalised 2,362 relic dossiers; and counted 100 dossiers of historical and cultural artifacts, 388 records and objects of the resistance wars against France and the US, 580 ethnographic artifacts, and 3,360 photos of various topics.
It has so far this year documented and digitalised 500 objects, 2,835 paper documents, and 450 images. It aims to digitalise 750 films and images, along with 74 books in ancient Thai scrips this year. In the 2022-2030 period, all objects and documents stored at the museum are expected to be digitalised./.
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