Son La responds to Earth Hour 2025

Earth Hour 2025, themed "Green Transition - Green Future," will take place from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm on Saturday (March 22), aiming at raising public awareness of energy conservation, environmental protection, and climate change adaptation.

 Son La city’s electricity workers hang banners promoting Earth Hour 2025.

In response to Earth Hour 2025, Son La Power Company has launched a campaign for all staff to turn off lights and unnecessary electrical devices. They are also encouraged to participate in the online contest "Learn about energy conservation in support of Earth Hour 2025," which will be held from March 8-28 at the website Additionally, they are invited to join the Earth Hour 2025 virtual running event from March 8-31 at From March 15-22, participants are also encouraged to update their Facebook avatars to show their support for Earth Hour.

An employee of Son La Power Company participates in the online contest "Learn about energy conservation in support of Earth Hour 2025."

In coordination with various sectors, local authorities, media agencies, and social media platforms, the company has distributed flyers, hung banners, and called on the public to join the Earth Hour campaign, promoting safe, efficient, and energy-saving electricity use. Each staff member of Son La Power Company serves as a spokesperson, encouraging their families and community members to turn off lights and unnecessary electrical devices during the Earth Hour 2025 event.


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