Accommodation, tourism, and travel service revenue tops 1.67 trillion VND

Revenue from accommodation, dining, tourism, travel services, and other services in Son La province has so far this year reached nearly 1.673 trillion VND (65.6 million USD), up 5.89% from the same period last year.

ourists experience F1 Kart racing at the F1 Kart Club in the Moc Chau Island Tourist Site in Moc Chau district.

Specifically, revenue from accommodation and dining services hit nearly 776 billion VND, rising 5.58% year-on-year; travel services more than 5 billion VND, an increase of 10.95%; and other services over 892 billion VND, up 5.37%.

Over the past time, the province has actively promoted the development of tourism, and increased tourism promotion activities. Local accommodation establishments, travel agencies, and tourism businesses have increased investments and improved service quality.

Currently, Son La province has 626 tourism accommodation facilities, including 29 star-rated hotels and resorts, while the rest are other types of tourism accommodation.



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