Chairman of provincial People's Committee inspects planning work in Quynh Nhai district

Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Hoang Quoc Khanh on February 17 inspected the planning work in Quynh Nhai district.

Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Hoang Quoc Khanh inspects the planning work in Quynh Nhai district.

He was accompanied by Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Le Hong Minh and leaders of a number of provincial departments and agencies.

The working group inspected and surveyed a number of main roads in the center of Quynh Nhai; and evaluated the general planning situation of the district, the general planning scheme of Quynh Nhai town, and a plan to build Muong Giang commune into a town by 2025.

Khanh requested Quynh Nhai district to continue researching options to adjust the general planning scheme of Quynh Nhai town in order to ensure it complies with procedures and regulations, as well as suits local conditions, serving the district’s general socio-economic development goals and new-style rural building efforts.


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