Permanent Deputy Secretary of provincial Party Committee visits Song Ma district

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lo Minh Hung, along with other members of the committee’s Standing Board, inspected Party membership development models and anti-drug control efforts at the Party Organisation of Na Nghiu commune, Song Ma district.

They also evaluated measures to ensure national defence and security at the Party Organisation of the district’s Chieng Khoong commune.

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lo Minh Hung pays a working visit to Chieng Khuong commune.

In recent years, the Party Committee of Chieng Khuong commune has effectively achieved the goals set in Resolution No. 04-NQ/TU dated January 21, 2021, by the provincial Party Committee on ensuring national defense and security in Son La province for the 2021-2025 period. The committee has directed relevant agencies and units to enhance cooperation in ensuring political security, social order, and national defense.

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lo Minh Hung presents gifts to Na Nghiu commune.

In Na Nghiu commune, significant efforts have been made in developing new Party members. The communal Party Committee has focused on building and strengthening Party cells, and gradually improving the quality of their meetings. Mass organizations have proactively organized movements and activities; and collaborated with the Party cells to recruit new members. Since 2021, 122 new Party members have been admitted.

Hung urged Song Ma district and the communes of Na Nghiu and Chieng Khuong to enhance political and ideological education for officials, Party members, and the public to raise awareness about the importance of Party development in the current period. 

He emphasized the need for rigorous inspection and supervision of Party development activities at the Party cells. He also called for intensified efforts to combat drug-related crime, effective implementation of drug crime detection and reporting work, and harnessing the collective strength of the local people and political system to fight against crime and social misbehavior. 
It is necessary to well implement grassroots democracy and improve the quality and effectiveness of the "All people protect national security" movement, he said.

The working delegation visits a VietGAP-standard green pomelo cultivation model in Chieng Khuong commune.

On the occasion, the delegation visited a VietGAP-standard green pomelo cultivation model in Chieng Khuong commune.


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