Participating in the exercise were 350 employees from the four power companies of Son La, Yen Bai, Hoa Binh and Dien Bien provinces. It was live-streamed to 27 provincial power companies under the Northern Power Corporation.

There were 15 hypothetical situations to handle incidents on the power grid from low voltage to medium and high voltage, including eight situations of fixing grid defects; three of handling defects using 22 kV and 35 kV hotline methods, one of cleaning insulation with high pressure water, one of providing first aid for a worker falling into river; one of fixing gateway device damage at the station causing interruption of SCADA signals from the 110 kV transformer station to the control centre, and one of settling the secondary circuit that makes the 110 kV station breaker not closed.

The drill involved the settlement of power grid and telecommunications incidents, rescue missions, and coordination in ensuring power supply for customers with diesel power sources; and the application of 22 kV and 35 kV hotline repair technology to handle situations and improve power supply reliability.
The exercise achieved the set goals and requirements, with absolute safety of people and equipment ensured. It helped officials and employees of power companies practice their skills, expertise, and professional behaviour in performing work on the power grid, and coordinating to handle incidents caused by natural disasters; and check and evaluate the power grid load dispatch to quickly restore power supply after natural disasters.

The dril also contributed to disseminating regulations on disaster prevention and control and search and rescue, raising public awareness and improving community-based disaster risk management, to proactively respond to natural disasters, and ensure power grid system safety.

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