Son La police raise public awareness of firefighting and rescue

Son La province’s firefighting and rescue police and police of districts and Son La city on December 16-17 simultaneously organized events for thousands of local residents and students to experience and practice firefighting and rescue activities.

During the events, the firefighting and rescue police provided knowledge and skills in handling fires and explosions as well as skills to escape from a fire that occurs in a household's home or a public place. They introduced several models such as the inter-family fire safety group, the public firefighting model, the 114 fire alarm app, and the "My house has a fire extinguisher" movement.

Experiencing the wearing of firefighting and rescue force uniforms.

In addition to being equipped with knowledge about fire prevention and fighting, participants practiced firefighting and rescue activities, including escaping from a fire using a ladder truck; spraying water into the focus box; and using a portable fire extinguisher to extinguish a fire caused by a gas leak. The police also provided first aid techniques and demonstrated the technique of using rescue ropes.

As of December 17 noon, more than 4,000 residents, teachers, and students came to the sites to practice and experience firefighting and rescue activities.

Practicing a fire escape with a top-down rope.

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