Moc Chau, the world's leading regional nature destination, is one of the key tourist centres of the Northwest region and the country. It has attracted a large number of visitors, and drawn the attention of many travel agencies and investors.
The “Moc Chau Tour” app digitises five services, namely landmark tourism, indigenous culture, traditional products, cuisine, and leisure travel. It is expected to help state agencies to easily manage business activities in the locality; enterprises, units and business households exploit and promote products and services to tourists; and visitors to experience Moc Chau safely and conveniently.
Officially putting the app into operation is a big step forward of Moc Chau tourism, creating an important "push" for local tourism products to attract more domestic and foreign tourists./.
Install and download Moc Chau Tour app on Appstore or Google Play:
- iOS: http://mocchautour.vn/download-app/ios
- Android: http://mocchautour.vn/download-app/android
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