Attending the ceremony were Meritorious Teacher, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Tran Ngoc Hai, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Heritage Tree Council; journalist Phung Quang Chinh, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Heritage Tree Council; leaders of Muong La district; and local residents in Ngoc Chien commune.

According to records recognised by the Vietnam Heritage Tree Council, the first tree is a Keteleeria evelyniana Mast tree in Na Tau hamlet, called by locals as "God's tree", "giant Sa mu tree" or "Co may pe". This is a large timber tree which is over 35m high, over 100cm in diameter, and more than 1,000 years old.
Luot hamlet also has three banyan trees (Ficus altissima Blume) recognised this time. The sacred trees were told by the elderly to be planted during the reclamation process over 400 years ago.

The list also includes an about 300-year-old Red Silk Cotton (Bombax ceiba) tree in Phay hamlet. The tree was planted by locals when building the hamlet. At present, a shrine was built next to the tree, considered a sacred tree by local residents.
The remaining heritage trees are two oak trees which are entwined with each other in Muong Chien hamlet. The pair, planted by locals to serve as the boundary between the two hamlets, are considered the image of common ancestors of the community and named as "Love Trees". These two sacred oak trees are about 300 years old.
At the ceremony, leaders of the Vietnam Heritage Tree Council announced the decisions and awarded certificates of Vietnam heritage trees to representatives of four hamlets Na Tau, Phay, Luot and Muong Chien.

Delegates and people of Ngoc Chien commune install plate recognising Vietnam heritage tree.

These heritage trees are the pride of people of Ngoc Chien commune. They are historical and cultural witnesses of the nation, associated with the formation process of the Ngoc Chien land. The recognition contributes to preserving precious genetic resources and protecting perennial trees. The conservation of ancient trees also shows gratitude and respect to the ancestors who protected and preserved these trees as well as the customs and practices of the Thai people here.
Ngoc Chien commune is committed to taking measures to protect the seven heritage trees, assigning them to representatives of each hamlet to manage, protect and preserve the spiritual culture of Ngoc Chien residents.
Currently, Vietnam has over 6,000 heritage trees of over 100 different families./.
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