Cultural, sport activities in Van Ho district mark National Day

The Van Ho district People's Committee organised sport competitions and folk games of ethnic minorities at the stadium of Chieng Di 2 hamlet, Van Ho commune, on August 31.

The competitions drew nearly 200 players from hamlets and sub-zones of Van Ho commune and Pa Kha hamlet in Long Luong commune. They competed in tug of war, tu lu (a traditional version of spinning tops) and the pounding of banh day (ground glutinous rice cake).

The players showed the spirit of solidarity and honesty, giving audience thrilling and exciting competitions, attracting throngs of locals and tourists.

Pounding banh day (ground glutinous rice cake). 
A tug of war competition.

Tu lu, a traditional version of spinning tops

The activities responded to the campaign “All people take exercise following the example of great Uncle Ho”, promoting it among ethnic minorities in Van Ho district, contributing to improving health, strengthening solidarity, and creating a joyful and exciting atmosphere to celebrate the National Day (September 2).


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