Son La province’s Phu Dong Sports Games: 140 athletes compete in Taekwondo

The organising committee of the 12th Phu Dong Sports Games of Son La province organised Taekwondo competitions at the provincial Sports Training and Competition Center on April 18.

A Taekwondo match of high school boys.

Participating in the Taekwondo competitions were 140 male and female athletes, from middle and high schools in the province. They competed for 26 sets of medals in the kyorugi (combat) event in different weight categories, following the knockout format.

A Taekwondo match of high school girls.
People come to watch and cheer for Taekwondo artists.

Taekwondo is a system of symmetrical body exercises or techniques designed for self-defense and counterattack in unarmed combat, making use of the hands and feet as weapons and defenses.



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