Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development inspects natural disaster control in Son La

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Quoc Tri on September 10 led a working delegation to inspect natural disaster prevention and control in Son La province.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Developmen Nguyen Quoc Tri inspects natural disaster prevention and control in Son La province

Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thanh Cong, representatives of several provincial departments and agencies, and leaders of Moc Chau district received the delegation.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Quoc Tri inspects the situation in Hua Pang commune.

Typhoon Yagi has resulted in flooding, flash floods and landslides in the province, killing one person; damaging 781 houses, more than 270 hectares of rice, 58 hectares of vegetables, 552 hectares of annual crops and nine hectares of fruit trees; affecting eight schools, and making some traffic routes eroded and flooded. Total damage was about 70 billion VND (2.83 million USD).

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Quoc Tri inspecs disaster recovery in Moc Chau town.

With the motto of "4 on-site", the provincial Steering Committee for Disaster Prevention and Control has directed and mobilised forces and vehicles to fix the consequences of natural disasters; relocated households from areas at risk of landslides and flash floods; and arranged temporary shelters for them, helping them quickly stabilize their lives and restore production.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Nguyen Quoc Tri speaks at the meeting.

Tri acknowledged the efforts and timeliness of Son La in overcoming the consequences of natural disasters. He requested the province continue directing the implementation of the "4 on-site" motto, review and count areas at risk of natural disasters, propose solutions to minimise their impacts, direct and guide people to restore agricultural production and support affected households to soon stabilise their lives.

The working delegation presents gifts to households affected by natural disasters in Hua Pang commune.

Previously, the working delegation inspected the post-disaster recovery in Hua Pang commune and Moc Chau town, Moc Chau district.


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