"Doctor of Agronomy" programme held in Yen Chau district

The Agricultural Trade Promotion Center under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development coordinated with the Son La provincial Farmers' Association and the Yen Chau district People's Committee in organising the "Doctor of Agronomy" programme in Yen Chau district on July 11.

The "Doctor of Agronomy" programme in Yen Chau district.

Attending the programme were experts and researchers in the field of agriculture, leaders of the provincial Farmers' Association, the Yen Chau district People's Committee, and 200 representatives of agricultural cooperatives and farmers in Yen Chau district.

Participants in the programme.

At the programme, participants discussed with experts and scientists about plant growing and caring; measures to avoid fruit loss and bacterial infection; application of science and technology to agricultural cultivation; how to use fertilizers and pesticides effectively.

Farmers were provided with information about the impact of climate change and its consequences on agricultural production; scientific and agrochemical knowledge, soil conditions in drought-hit areas and preventive measures; application of science and technology in agricultural production; new state policies and mechanisms for entrepreneurs and farmers. They also got advice and answers on issues related to trade promotion and market access activities for agricultural products and OCOP (One Commune Once product) items.

A member of the Farmers' Association of Chieng Pan commune, Yen Chau district raises questions to agricultural experts.
A representative of agricultural experts and scientists clarifies some issues of participants’ concern.

The "Doctor of Agronomy" programme is an agricultural extension forum that effectively links farmers with scientists, managers, and businesses. It is a useful playground for farmers to learn, exchange information and support each other, and improve their scientific and technical knowledge to serve local agricultural production.

Farmers in Yen Chau district take note of scientific knowledge in agricultural cultivation.

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