Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee visits policy beneficiary families, revolution contributors

A working delegation from the provincial Party Committee led by its Permanent Deputy Secretary Lo Minh Hung on July 22 visited and presented gifts to policy beneficiary families and people who rendered service to the revolution in Son La city, on the occasion of the 77th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs' Day (July 27).

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lo Minh Hung visits Heroic Vietnamese Mother Doan Thi Diep in Group 10, Quyet Thang ward.

The delegation visited and gave gifts to Heroic Vietnamese Mother Doan Thi Diep in Group 10, Quyet Thang ward; the family of martyr Vuong Thi Ngoc Yen in Group 2, Chieng Le ward; Vu Cao Thang, a war invalids in Group 14, Quyet Thang ward; Lo Van Xum, a war veteran infected with toxic chemicals in Coong Noi hamlet, Chieng Coi ward.

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lo Minh Hung and the working delegation visit the family of martyr Vuong Thi Ngoc Yen in Group 2, Chieng Le ward.
Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lo Minh Hung visits Vu Cao Thang, a war invalids in Group 14, Quyet Thang ward.

At the families, Hung hoped that policy beneficiary families and revolution contributors will always promote revolutionary traditions, take the lead in economic development, actively respond to local activities, and be a bright example for everyone to follow.

He asked localities continue to take care of their material and spiritual lives and create favourable conditions for the families of war invalids and martyrs to have a better life.

Permanent Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lo Minh Hung and the working delegation visit and present gifts to Lo Van Xum Lo, a war veteran infected with toxic chemicals in Coong Noi hamlet, Chieng Coi ward.



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