Phu Yen pays tribute to General Vo Nguyen Giap

The Standing Board of the Party Committee, the People's Council, the People's Committee, and the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Phu Yen district on July 24 burnt incense at the historical relic site of the war against the French colonialists in Nhot hamlet, Gia Phu commune, in commemoration of President Ho Chi Minh, General Vo Nguyen Giap, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, and martyrs.

Officials burn incense in memory of General Vo Nguyen Giap.

The delegation observed a minute’s silence for the eminent leaders of the nation and those who devoted their youth to the past struggle for national independence, freedom, and peace, as well as the cause of national construction and development today.

The district’s Party organsiation, authorities and residents stay committed to solidarity and strive to successfully fulfill the tasks assigned by the Party and the State to drive Phu Yen ahead, deserving the sacrifice of previous generations.



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