Provincial leader inspects post-storm situation in Moc Chau district

Hoang Quoc Khanh, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, on September 9 paid a field trip to Moc Chau district to grasp storm consequences here.


Hoang Quoc Khanh, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, inspects the flood drainage system in sub-area 3, Moc Chau town.

According to the district’s statistics, heavy rain and thunderstorms triggered by typhoon Yagi made four houses collapse, seven with roofs torn off, and 94 flooded. As many as 57 houses were hit by landslides.

Additionally, three school buildings and one cultural house were inundated, one electricity pole was toppled, and over 252 hectares of agricultural crops were damaged.

About 5.4 hectares of iron frame greenhouses were destroyed, and several roads were affected by landslides and flooding. The total estimated damage is approximately 5 billion VND (202,552 USD).

The provincial Party Committee Secretary visits households affected by landslides in Phat hamlet, Long Sap commune. 

The provincial Party Committee Secretary and the working delegation present gifts to a storm-affected family in Phat hamlet, Long Sap commune.

The provincial leader and his entourage inspected the flood drainage systems in Moc Chau town and Moc Chau Farm town. They also visited and offered support to families affected by the storm in Long Sap commune. 

Khanh urged Moc Chau district to keep a close watch on weather conditions and raise public vigilance. He emphasized the importance of proactively implementing measures to prevent and mitigate the impacts of typhoon Yagi, aiming to minimize damage to both lives and property.


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