Son La health sector’s outstanding trade union officials, members honoured

The trade union of Son La province’s health sector on July 11 held a conference to honour its outstanding officials and members, towards the 95th founding anniversary of the Vietnam Trade Union (July 28, 1929 - 2024).

 At the conference honouring outstanding trade union officials and members of Son La province’s health sector.

The provincial health sector’s trade union has 19 grassroots chapters, with more than 2,100 members. In recent years, it has regularly launched emulation movements such as "Good workers, creative workers"; “Scientific research and technology transfer”; "Studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality, and style on self-reliance, self-resilience, and aspiration for a prosperous and happy country", creating widespread emulation in all units, contributing to excellently fulfilling the assigned tasks.

In addition, trade union chapters have performed well their tasks of taking care of and protecting the legal and legitimate rights and interests of officials, civil servants, public employees, and workers.

They have coordinated to organise social security activities, study tours, cultural and sports activities; reward children of officials and members with high academic achievements. They have also visited disadvantaged members with serious illnesses and supported trade union shelters for members with a total cost of over 220 million VND (5,652 USD).

On this occasion, the trade union gave flowers and gifts to express gratitude to individuals who have contributed to its development. It rewarded 55 officials and members with outstanding achievements in emulation movements and trade union activities in 2023.

The trade union of the provincial health sector honours outstanding officials and members.

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