Son La responds to World Environment Day, Action Month for the Environment

The People's Committee of Son La city coordinated with the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment in organising a ceremony at the Heo hamlet cultural house to respond to the World Environment Day on June 5, and the 2024 Action Month for the Environment.

Attending the launching ceremony were Dang Ngoc Hau, Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee, leaders of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment, several departments and sectors; and leading officials of the city People's Committee and local people.

At the launching ceremony to respond to the World Environment and Action Month for the Environment 2024.
Delegates attending the launching ceremony.

At the event, the Chairperson of the city People's Committee called on all officials, Party members, civil servants, public employees and locals to join hands to protect the environment, actively participating in activities to make the living environment green, clean and beautiful, regularly collect garbage and do not litter. The Chairperson also stressed the importance of minimising the use of plastic bags, saying no to single-use plastic products, prioritising organic and environmentally friendly products, and jointly classifying waste at source throughout the city.

Joining hands to protect the environment, every year, the city People's Committee signs a commitment to strengthening the role and responsibility in resource management and environmental protection between the chairpersons of the People's Committees of 12 communes and wards and the head of the city People's Committee.

It directs and instructs hamlets and residential areas to effectively carry out environmental protection work and well implement environment-related criteria in new-style rural area building, and increase the rate of daily solid waste collected and treated to 99.5% in urban areas, and 89.44% in rural areas.

During the launching ceremony, the President of the Women's Union of Son La city called on the Women's Unions of communes and wards to continue promoting the collection and classification of waste at source, such as well implementing the "anti-plastic waste" movement and the "Using plastic baskets to go to market" model to limit the use of plastic bags, classifying waste and limiting the release of non-degradable waste into the environment, the "Plastic waste collection" model to raise funds for savings, and the "Women join hands to collect and treat waste right from households" model.

With the theme of recovering land and combating drought and desertification, the city has simultaneously implemented a series of response activities in 12 communes and wards from June 1-30, encouraging officials, public servants, workers and people to clean up the environment surrounding agency headquarters, in concentrated residential areas, and along main roads.

On this occasion, the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment donated 1,800 posters about the World Environment Day to leaders of the city People's Committee.

Provincial leaders hand over posters about the World Environment Day to leaders of the city People's Committee.
Vice Chairman of the provincial People's Committee Dang Ngoc Hau attends an event of exchanging plastic and paper for trees.

After the launching ceremony, at the downtown city's market, Vice Chairman Hau and delegates attended an event of exchanging plastic and paper for trees, organised by the city Youth Union. All proceeds will be used to support people in difficult circumstances. The provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment, and the city People's Committee donated 200 environmentally friendly paper bags.

People collect paper and cardboard to exchange for trees.
The place for exchanging paper for trees.
Hua La commune officials and civil servants clean up the environment at the commune headquarters.
People of Quyet Tam ward join forces to clean up the environment.

As part of activities to respond to the World Environment Day and the Action Month, leaders of the provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the city People's Committee visited the City Urban Waste Treatment Plant under the Son La Urban Services and Environment Joint Stock Company.

Delegates visit the City Urban Waste Treatment Plant

The project to build a solid waste treatment zone in Son La city was implemented with credit from the Norwegian Government and reciprocal capital from Vietnam, using semi-automatic technology, with an average treatment capacity of 80 tonnes of waste a day. Currently, 100% of waste collected in the city is brought to the treatment plant following a correct process, contributing to minimising environmental pollution.

On this occasion, the company proposed several issues related to treatment, collection, and transportation technology to prepare for waste classification at source in the city. 

On the same day, Moc Chau district launched a campaign to collect used pesticide packages and plant trees in Long Sap commune in response to the World Environment Day. Attending the event were district leaders and nearly 100 youth union members and people of Long Sap commune.

Moc Chau district leaders participate in tree planting.

Currently, Moc Chau has over 30,000 hectares of agricultural land, with over two thirds for annual crop production. In recent years, the area and the shift in agricultural economic structure have increased, resulting in a rise in the amount of pesticides used. Therefore, ensuring environmental protection always receives due attention from the district authorities.

At the launching ceremony, leaders of Moc Chau district encouraged local people not to abuse pesticides in production; and raise self-awareness and form the habit of collecting packaging and bottles containing pesticides and putting them in designated places to protect the environment. 

Youth union members and militias in Long Sap commune participate in planting trees.

After the event, Moc Chau district held the planting of 750 ban (Bauhinia), cherry blossoms and pine trees along the main roads of Long Sap commune.



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