Van Ho district’s 3rd congress of ethnic minorities held

Van Ho district held the third Congress of Ethnic Minorities 2024 on June 10.

An overview of the 3rd Congress of Ethnic Minorities in Van Ho district.

Van Ho has 14 communes with five ethnic groups living together, with ethnic minorities accounting for 93.6% of the district's population. Since 2021, the district has been allocated over 336 billion VND (13.2 million USD) to implement over 80 projects under the three national target programmes, including building rural infrastructure and works serving production and daily life of locals, providing land and housing support for 121 households; and organising 15 vocational training courses for more than 470 ethnic minorities from poor and near-poor households. Now the district has three communes meeting new-style rural standards; and its poverty rate has decreased to 17.7%, down more than 15% compared to 2019.

A leader of the provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs presents flowers to congratulate the congress.

Social security policies for ethnic minorities have been implemented effectively. In the 2019-2024 period, Van Ho has exempted and reduced tuition and helped cover learning costs for more than 70,800 students, with a total amount of over 47.5 billion VND; provided 60,099 health insurance cards to ethnic minorities, poor and near-poor households. The Bank for Social Policies’ district branch has assisted 13,349 customers with loans under preferential credit programmes for economic development with a total outstanding value  of over 517 billion VND.

The congress has set several targets by 2029, such as 100% of roads from communes to hamlet centres to be cemented or asphalted; all households having regular and safe access to electricity; the rate of people with health insurance reaching over 96.5%; creating new jobs for 1,000 workers; 100% of hamlets and sub-areas having cultural houses; over 95% of schools meeting national standards; and the poverty rate decreasing by 4-5% each year.

Individuals with outstanding achievements receive certificates of merit from the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee.
 Individuals receive certificates of merit from the Chairpersoj of the Van Ho district People's Committee.



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