Beauty contest highlights Thai people’s culture

One of the most anticipated highlights of the Ban (Bauhinias) Flower Festival 2025 in Son La city was the beauty contest, where contestants captivated audiences with the elegance of traditional and modernised Thai ethnic attire. Taking place on March 15 evening and March 16 morning, the competition brought together 24 contestants from 12 teams representing communes and wards across the city.

 Contestants showcase the elegance of traditional and modernised Thai ethnic attire.
 The modernised Thai ethnic attire show by Quyet Thang ward.
 Traditional and modernised Thai ethnic attire.
 Graceful young women in traditional and modernised Thai ethnic attire.

In both traditional and modernised Thai ethnic attire, contestants confidently strode across the stage, showcasing the allure of the iconic dress. Their elegant movements, gentle demeanor, and radiant smiles bring to life the delicate beauty of the Thai people and culture.

The contest features a stunning performance at the Ban Flower Hill in Tay Bac (Northwest) Square.
A contestant in modernised Thai ethnic attire

The most captivating moment of the contest unfolded at th Ban Flower Hill in the Tay Bac (Northwest) Square, Son La city. Amid a sea of blooming white Ban flowers, contestants gracefully showcased both traditional and modernised Thai attire, striking elegant poses and gliding across the scenic hillside. 

Contestants and a Pieu scarf embroidery artisan

Set against the backdrop of traditional Ban flower melodies, their fluid movements and vibrant costumes created a mesmerising spectacle.

The show of traditional and modernised Thai ethnic attire is more than just a competition—it’s a vibrant celebration of the Thai culture and women. It leaves a lasting impression on both locals and visitors.





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