182 youth volunteer teams established to help fix flood consequences

Youth unions across Son La province on July 24-25 established 182 youth volunteer teams, with the participation of 3,780 youth union members, young people, and soldiers of the armed forces, to support people to overcome flood consequences.

Youth union members join efforts to fix flood consequences in Chieng An ward, Son La city.

Volunteer teams coordinated with on-site forces to assist people in overcoming the consequences of floods, evacuate residents and their assets from dangerous areas, clean houses and repair roads and irrigation canals. 

The proactiveness and volunteering of Son La youth have contributed significantly to fixing the consequences of floods and stabilizing local lives.

Youth union members and young people of Song Ma district help clean a house after floods. (Photo is provided by the district Youth Union)
Youth union members of Van Ho district clean a school after the floods. (Photo is provided by the district Youth Union)

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