The third edition was launched to the public and members of the Son La Union of Literature and Arts Associations. Through writing camps and art creation movements, more than 1,600 works from various fields such as fine arts, music, photography, literature, poetry, folk research and collection, and dance were submitted. Over 1,000 works were promoted through magazines, media agencies, exhibitions, regional festivals, and the magazines of central specialized associations. Nearly 400 works won awards at the central level, from the provincial Party Committee's Board for Information and Education, or the provincial-level associations. Among them, 313 works and collections by 104 authors from nine different literary and artistic specialties registered for consideration. After the preliminary round, 300 works by 96 authors met the conditions to vie for the awards.

The works and collections submitted were all meticulously created with high quality, and met the required criteria. Many works vividly reflect the realities of life and explored traditional topic such as revolution, wars, rural development, national border protection, the following of the thoughts, ethics, and style of President Ho Chi Minh, and preservation of the cultural identities of ethnic minorities.

The award council selected and presented 83 prizes of the 3rd provincial Literature and Arts Awards for the 2022-2024 period, including nine first, 17 second, 23 third, and 34 consolation prizes.

On this occasion, the provincial People's Committee awarded the certificates of merit to six authors whose works won the first prizes.
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