Fifty Son La policemen complete Lao language training course

The Son La provincial Department of Public Security on September 13 coordinated with the Son La College in organising the closing ceremony of a Lao language training course for policemen in 2024.

In three months, 50 policemen from professional units and border communes in the province were equipped with basic knowledge of Lao language, how to write, pronounce, combine Lao words and use the language fluently. At the same time, they had a chance to learn about the customs and culture of Laos.

A leader of the Son La College awards certificates of course completion to trainees

At the end of the course, 100% of the trainees received certificates of completion from the Son La College, of whom five were awarded certificates of merit by the school for their high achievements in studying and training.

Training in Lao language helps policemen grasp the situation, customs and culture of Laos, thus effectively serving the work of ensuring security and order, especially in border areas.




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