Firefighting and rescue police team set up in Thuan Chau district

The provincial Department of Public Security held a ceremony on October 28 in Thuan Chau district to announce the deployment of a firefighting and rescue police team under the district police force.


At the ceremony to announce the establishment of the firefighting and rescue police team under Thuan Chau district’s police force.

The team comprises 23 members, including seven officers, performing the task of State management in the field of firefighting and rescue; grasping the local situation, and advising the leaders of the district police agency in the firefighting and rescue work. They will be on duty around the clock to receive information about fires, explosions and rescue; and in charge of disseminating and organsing training on firefighting and rescue.

Leaders of the provincial Department of Public Security and Thuan Chau district's police agency present the decision and grant flowers to the team.
The team leader reads the oath.

The deployment of the team will meet the requirements of improving the capacity of firefighting and rescue work, enhancing the response and handling capacity, and minimising damage caused by fires and explosions, thus contributing to ensuring security and order in the locality.


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