Forum promotes friendship, opposes school violence

The provincial Youth Union on December 9 hosted a forum fostering friendship and opposing school violence at the provincial continuing education centre. The event brought together 370 high school students.

 At the forum fostering friendship and opposing school violence.

The forum featured insights from psychologists at the Institute for Research & Development of Vietnam's Manpower under the Ministry of Science and Technology. Discussions covered the signs, causes, realities, and consequences of school violence. Practical strategies for self-protection and appropriate responses to bullying were also shared.

Students participate in creating slogans under the theme "Fostering Good Friendship – Saying No to School Violence.”

At the forum, students participated in creating slogans under the theme "Fostering Good Friendship – Saying No to School Violence." This activity allowed them to express their perspectives on school violence and craft messages that resonate with their peers and the broader community.

The forum aimed to instill positive emotions, nurture good friendship, and emphasise the importance of friendship in education. Students gained valuable skills to protect themselves from and prevent violence while contributing to creating a safe and healthy learning environment.

 Students share their views on school violence at the forum.

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