Free check-ups, medicines for Hua Pang commune residens

A delegation of the provincial Department of Health on September 20 coordinated with Moc Chau district’s Medical Centre, Hanoi-based SOHACO Pharmaceutical and Trading Group JSC and other medical units to provide medical examinations, consultations, and free medicines for people in Hua Pang commune affected by floods.


SOHACO Pharmaceutical and Trading Group JSC donates medicines.

The doctors and nurses provided medical examinations, and consultations on preventive measures for common diseases after floods, such as atopic dermatitis, skin fungus, pink eye, flu and digestive problems for more than 350 residents.

They gave free medicines, and instructed on how to prevent common diseases when seasons change, eat nutritious food, and ensure hygiene.

In addition, the delegation also handed over 90 gifts, including instant noodles and purified water from the provincial Red Cross Society to poor households affected by floods; while VNPT and Vinaphone branches in Moc Chau district donated 30 spare chargers and SIM cards, worth 150 million VND (6,100 USD) in total.

Gifts from the provincial Red Cross Society are given to poor households affected by floods.

Doctors and nurses deliver free medical check-ups and consultations to people in Hua Pang commune, Moc Chau district.

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