At the programme, more than 200 delegates, guests and people were informed about World Environment Day and the goal of planting about 10 hectares of forest in Van Ho commune to maintain the landscape, nature as well as the habitat of the endangered northern white-cheeked gibbon listed in the Vietnam Red Data Book. They planted trees and threw seed bombs in the forests of Pa Cop, Hua Tat and Bo Nhang II hamlets.

Representatives of PanNature and sponsors present trees to the Van Ho district forest ranger unit, the district Youth Union, and the Van Ho commune People's Committee.The activity is part of a long-term plan to restore the Van Ho natural forests and preserve the rare white-cheeked gibbon here, with the support of many individuals and organisations through the GivingLunch fundraising campaign on the Momo platform and the companionship of businesses such as Termo Vietnam, Tupperware Vietnam and TH Group.
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