“Inter-family fire safety group" model launched in Phu Yen

The police force of Phu Yen district and the People's Committee of Phu Yen town on September 25 held a ceremony to launch the "Inter-family fire safety group" model of in the town’s Sub-areas 1 and 2.


The "Inter-family fire safety group" model is launched in Phu Yen town.

The initiative features 10 inter-family fire safety groups comprising 50 households and business households with significant fire risks. Members are tasked with implementing fire prevention and rescue regulations effectively; grasping fire safety situation; raising awareness and educating family members and the community about fire safety regulations; participating in training sessions and fire and rescue drills; acquiring firefighting skills to ensure safety for local residents during production and business activities; and coordinating with authorities to respond promptly to any fire incidents in the area.

Members of the inter-family fire safety groups sign commitments to comply with fire safety regulations.

Immediately following the launch, members of the inter-family fire safety groups engaged in a firefighting and rescue drill at a local household. 

A inter-family fire safety group member practices fire extinguisher using. 
Phu Yen district’s firefighting police join the drill.

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