Muong La organises competition on firefighting, rescue skills

The Muong La district People's Committee on May 12 organised a competition on firefighting and rescue skills for inter-family groups in 2024.

The organising board presents flags to participating teams

Participating in the contest were six teams from It Ong town, and Muong Bu, Pi Tong, Ngoc Chien, Chieng Lao and Muong Chum communes with 48 members of the inter-family groups for fire prevention and fighting at the grassroots level. They competed in two parts by answering questions related to legal knowledge and fire prevention and fighting skills; and practicing firefighting and rescue skills. Accordingly, teams performed skills in firefighting and rescue in houses combined with production and business.

Chieng Lao commune’s team answers questions related to legal knowledge, fire prevention and fighting skills.
Teams perform the practice part
Teams perform the practical part

The contest aimed to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the inter-family group model at the grassroots level. It was an opportunity to supplement knowledge and skills in handling fires for group members in order to improve the operational efficiency of the groups in fire prevention and fighting and rescue work.

The organising board awards first, second, third and consolation prizes to teams participating in the competition

At the end of the competition, the organising board awarded the first prize to the team from Pi Tong commune, the second to the team from Chieng Lao commune, the third to Ngoc Chien commune’s team and three consolation prizes to the remainders. The district People's Committee also presented certificates of merit to two collectives and five individuals with outstanding achievements in organising the competition.

The district People's Committee awards certificates of merit to collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in holding the competition.



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